Edward Cerato
451 W. Linden Street, Allentown, PA 18102
Dr. Cerato has been practicing chiropractic medicine since 1998 in the states of NY, NJ and PA. He is a graduate of Parker College of Chiropractic and holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Montclair State College in Exercise Science. He is board certified by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners and is licensed to practice chiropractic by the state of Pennsylvania. He has numerous years of experience treating motor car and work-related injuries.
Dr. Cerato has a strong interest in the problem-solving aspects of chiropractic and enjoys searching for new techniques to aid the body to heal itself. One of his assets is his ability to connect and communicate with his patients which allows the patient to feel at ease during treatment visits for an overall positive experience.
Outside of work he enjoys spending time with his lovely wife, Jennifer and his step-son Christopher. He enjoys working out, playing golf, DIY projects, great food, watching sports and a good cigar.